How Cloud RO Works

A lot of science 🧑🏽‍🔬 and a little magic. 🪄 Let’s take a look under the hood.

  • 99%Toxin
    (Kicks hundreds of toxins to the curb)
  • 1:1Low
    Waste Ratio
    (80% better than traditional ROs)
  • 2xFaster
    Flow Rate
    (Fill your glass in 6 seconds not 12)
  • 8pHAlkaline
    All The Time
    (Added minerals provide an optimal 7-10 pH range)
  • Better Filtration

    ⛑️ Powered by reverse osmosis, our multi-stage filtration process kicks toxins to the curb. Cloud uses internal sensors to control the flow of water in the system to maximize filtration effectiveness, providing best in class contaminant removal. Cloud removes 99% of toxins in your tap.

  • Faster Flow

    ⏱️ The worst part about traditional RO systems is the trickle at the faucet. No more waiting around for your glass to fill, Cloud maximizes tank pressure and fills a typical 10oz glass in six seconds.

  • Less Waste

    ✌️ Cloud RO wastes 80% less water than a traditional reverse osmosis system. A permeate pump sends those toxins to your drain and fills a 2.8-gallon holding tank with pure water. Competitors waste up to 10 gallons of water for every gallon filtered, Cloud delivers an industry leading 1:1 waste ratio.

  • More Alkaline

    🔮 After your water has been purified it passes through one final ‘remineralization’ stage. Healthy minerals like calcium, magnesium and potassium are added back into your water. These minerals naturally raise the pH to an ideal 7.5-9.5 range, leaving your water perfectly alkaline.

Pure, healthy water, every single time.

Now that’s smart.

Smart sensors send water quality and filter performance right to your phone. Your water, at your fingertips. 🤌

  • Monitor Quality & Performance

    Replacement cartridges are auto-shipped based on real time performance monitoring, not an arbitrary timeline.

  • Track Gallons Consumed

    Track how much your family is drinking and how many plastic bottles you have saved in the process.

  • Keep It Alkaline

    Keep tabs on your pH to ensure the water you are drinking is both pure and perfectly alkaline.

  • Toxins Out, Nutrients In

    Check out the toxins we kick to the curb and the nutrients we add to your glass.

Easy Peasy Filter Changes

Learn More

Found In Tap Water, Filtered By Cloud

Just a few out of the hundreds of toxins in your tap removed by Cloud 😱


    The new kid on the block, PFAs are hiding in your tap. Reports suggest 97% of water supplies contain trace amounts of PFAs. Combining the power of activated carbon and reverse osmosis, Cloud eliminates PFAs.


    Lead is a powerful neurotoxin, especially harmful for infants and children. Cloud RO effectively eliminates the risk of lead poisoning by removing over 99% of lead in your tap.


    Water fluoridation has been linked to several harmful effects, including damage to the brain and nervous system. Cloud RO membranes remove over 98% of Fluoride in your tap water.

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Do you know what’s in your tap water?

Have you thought about what's in your tap water? You should check.